health how to run training

Sweet Running Tips From Maggie At RunninForSweets

Runnin For SweetsTruth be told…I have a sweet tooth. While some people may be motivated by the beer at the finish line, a nice Oreo milkshake sounds great to me!

I ran across Maggie from Runnin’ For Sweets that lives in Western Michigan and shares a similar appreciation for sugar induced comas. She has a few running tips for beginners that I wanted to share with you.

Start out slowly

Whether you’re running your first race or just around your block, it’s easy to take off at the beginning when you are feeling fresh and energized. Who wants to hold themselves back when they’re feeling strong?! It’s hard to imagine the type of fatigue that the end of a long run or new distance can bring when you’re just starting, so letting yourself run faster is almost too easy when we begin.

However, starting out too fast is only discouraging later on in the workout as fatigue starts to set it, but it often uses up energy that we desperately need to save. Holding yourself back is key to success and enjoyment during those first few runs. Be intentional about running easy, maintaining a conversational pace, and not comparing yourself to others. If you still have energy left in the tank by the end of your run, then push yourself for a fast finish.

Sign up for a race or find a running community.

There is nothing more motivating than surrounding yourself with like-minded people who have the same goals and ambitions! I have never felt more inspired than at the start of a race, when I am surrounded with fellow runners all committed to the same type of challenge.

If you’re nervous about running too slow or not being able to complete the distance, find a bigger race where there will be tons of walkers. Start near the back of the group knowing that you can walk if you need to. More often than not – you’ll find yourself surprised with what you are able to accomplish when you are motivated by those around you.

Follow Maggie on Twitter | Read more about Maggie’s Story

Thanks Maggie for the SWEET running tips!

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Hi! I wasn’t a runner either. This is my journey of understanding how to run, getting in shape, and joining the running community.

This is where I started.